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"No acts of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." ---Aesop


kind·ness /ˈkÄ«n(d)nÉ™s / the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.


"Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are."


---Harold S. Kushner



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The Kindness Podcast


The Heart Rock Project will be featured on The Kindness Podcast on January 24, 2019.



About Tway

In June 2016, Tway experienced an inner calling to return to her family roots in North San Diego County, California. It was a difficult decision for her. Stay in the world of the “corporate climb” or move residence to return to her family roots to live and appreciate the more natural, gentler side of life? She struggled intensely over her internal conflict. Finally, the choice became clear. Shortly thereafter, she found a home less than a mile from the beach in Encinitas and the beach quickly became her go-to place.


Five months later while running on the beach, she spied her first heart rock. Something magical happened when she picked it up to hold it. An amazing feeling of joy overcame her. To her great surprise and delight, most every day thereafter she found one or more heart rocks or perhaps, they found her. Each time her eyes saw one, each time her hand held one, immense joy and happiness filled her heart.


One and a half years later, she has more than 300 heart rocks in her collection. She started sharing the rocks with others, who also began to look for heart rocks, deepening their experience while in nature. Many encouraged her to capture the soul of each heart rock on film so others could also experience the beauty, joy, inner peace, and healing with them.


She selected 70 heart rocks to feature in a book and strives to collect 70 compelling stories of kindness to complement each photo. By collecting and sharing these stories on kindness, she hopes to inspire others to recognize the beauty all around us—taking down the “wall of separation between you and me to become ONE”.


If you are interested in contributing a story, please visit her CONTACT page for more information. 

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