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Questions & Answers

Common Questions:


Question 1:

What if I am not a great writer but I would like to donate a story?


Answer: Tway has more than 20 years in the field of marketing and has a knack for interviewing as well as writing. If your story is the right fit for this book series, she will contact you to help capture the story for the book. Tway is also working with an editor who will help to refine. 


Question 2:

Can I remain anonymous?


Answer: Yes, the main focus is the kindness story. It is her intent to use only first name and the initial of the last name. You can also create a fictitious name to use. 


Question 3:

Will there be any payment exchange for the use of the story that I am contributing?


Answer: We deeply appreciate your donation for the book and your goal to also spread kindness to others. While there is no payment available for the use of your story, should your story be selected for inclusion in the book, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book when it prints.


Should you have any additional questions not listed here, please email below. Thank you.




Address:   POB 235816, Encinitas, CA 92023


Thank you for submitting!

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